Directors Jonathan Tuminaro, Ph.D. and Daniel S. Block will lead the closed door session “Emerging Strategies for Efficiently Dealing With NPE Patent Threats” at the IP Leadership Executive 2023 in San Jose, CA on April 24, 2023. Please note that attendance at their small group session is by application only.
Held on the week of World IP Day, the IP Leadership Executive 2023 is the elite gathering of global IP professionals, with all discussions being held under Chatham House rules.
The summit has been built and designed with an Advisory Board of in-house IP Chiefs to tackle key challenges facing IP business leaders. Share best practices and determine what world-class IP leadership looks like, and how to achieve it, through a unique blend of closed-door exchanges, extended networking, one-to-one face-time and high-level discussion.
Session Overview
This breakout session will be a group discussion of: (i) strategies for efficiently dealing with threats from non-practicing entities; (ii) the pros and cons of aggressively defending such cases versus low-dollar settlements; (iii) the effective use of the PTAB and early motion practice to drive early resolution; and (iv) war stories from the frontline fighting NPEs. This session will also include a presentation of a data-driven case study demonstrating the effectiveness of a set of strategies that have successfully reduced both the pendency and number of NPE lawsuits.