Directors Daniel S. Block, William H. Milliken, Michael D. Specht, and Chandrika Vira were mentioned as Block, Inc.’s representation in the article “Skilled in the Art With Scott Graham: Some Section 101 Cases Are Actually Pretty Easy + No Mandamusing the Kasowitz Firm + Latham Flushes High-Tech Bath Tissue Patents,” published by, regarding a victory in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. From the article:
“‘For years, retailers have provided coupons and other financial incentives to customers during purchase,’ Liman wrote in AuthWallet v. Block. ‘The ’852 Patent simply describes that that conventional business practice may be effected by technology rather than by hand.’
That ended the suit against Block, the mobile payments company formerly known as Square. Best of all: Block’s team at Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox featured director Daniel Block—plus directors Chandrika Vira, Michael Specht and William Milliken.”