As a way of keeping in touch with our clients and keeping them informed on PTAB developments during the COVID-19 pandemic, the firm launched the PTAB Briefing Webinar Series. This informal and interactive series will address current PTAB issues from a practical perspective. The fourth webinar was District Court Patent Litigation (Part 1 of 3): Forever Changed by the PTAB – Impact and Analysis. The speakers included Directors Pauline Pelletier and Jonathan Tuminaro, Ph.D. The webinar was moderated by Director Michael Specht.
The introduction of PTAB proceedings – IPR, PGR, CBM – in 2013 forever changed district court patent litigation. This webinar was the first of a three-part series that takes a different perspective to examine these changes. That is, rather than focusing on legal developments and strategies within the PTAB, we focused on district court patent litigation and examined how the PTAB has impacted district court litigation strategy and tactics. Failing to appreciate these PTAB impacts can lead to out-dated approaches, unnecessary costs, and a diminished likelihood of success. This series within a series of webinars identified and explored these issues, making this a must-see series of webinars.
Specifically, during this program we looked at the overall impacts of the PTAB on district court patent litigation, while previewing the key inflection points within a district court patent litigation that have been most significantly impacted – from pre-suit due diligence to post-verdict considerations. This webinar set the stage for the following programs in the series that looked in depth into such issues as the evolving role of joint defense groups, effective uses of stays pending IPRs, estoppel issues, and much more.
To learn more about this topic and/or webinar, please contact the presenters.
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