Director Tracy-Gene G. Durkin will be speaking at Alice Five Years Later, A Patent Masters™ Symposium in Washington, DC on Tuesday, June 25, 2019.
During Session #6, Tracy will be speaking about protecting graphical user interfaces. While patent protection for many forms of software have become more difficult to obtain, particularly for financially related software and payment gateways in the United States, protection remains possible for GUIs through the use of design patents, which can protect the look-and-feel and provide protection against imitation.
The Patent Masters™ symposium is a high-level, interactive, limited enrollment seminar for attorneys and executives interested in an in-depth exploration of topical legal issues facing those that prosecute, litigate, license and monetize patents. Discussions will be led by top thought leaders in the industry and will cover what is happening in the Courts, on Capitol Hill, and at the USPTO.