Director Tracy-Gene G. Durkin was mentioned in the “Bites” section of the IPWatchdog article “Other Barks & Bites, Friday, January 24: Federal Circuit Remands Cases Under Arthrex and USPTO Announces New PPAC and TPAC Members.”
IPWatchdog writes, “USPTO Announces New Members of PPAC and TPAC – On Wednesday, January 22, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office announced two new members of the agency’s Patent Public Advisory Committee (PPAC) as well as three new members to the Trademark Public Advisory Committee (TPAC). Joining PPAC will be Jeremiah Chan, Director and Associate General Counsel, Head of Patents, Facebook; and Tracy-Gene Durkin, Practice Leader of the Mechanical & Design Practice Group, Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox. Joining TPAC will be Dinisa Hardley Folmar, Head of Intellectual Property, The Hershey Company; Jennifer L. Kovalcik, Vice President Technology & Intellectual Property Counsel, Community Health Systems; and Susan M. Natland, Partner and Co-Chair, Trademark and Brand Protection Group, Knobbe Martens.”

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