As a way of keeping in touch with our clients and keeping them informed on PTAB developments during the COVID-19 pandemic, the firm launched the PTAB Briefing Webinar Series. This informal and interactive series will address current PTAB issues from a practical perspective. The first webinar was COVID-19 Impacts on PTAB Deadlines, Procedures, and Hearings. The speakers included: Directors Nirav Desai and Lestin Kenton, Counsel Kristina Caggiano Kelly, and the webinar was moderated by Director Michael Specht.
The PTAB has continued to institute and conduct trials throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. However, under the CARES Act and using existing procedural flexibility, the PTAB has adapted its procedures in a number of significant ways ranging from extension of deadlines to how oral hearings are handled. Understanding and appreciating these significant changes is critical to PTAB success during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our speakers have experienced these rule changes and have participated in oral hearings impacted by special procedures put in place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. They reviewed the rule and procedural changes and shared their first-hand experiences, while also contrasting how PTAB hearings are being handled with procedures in Article III courts (e.g., Federal District Court of Delaware, International Court of Trade, and Federal Circuit). They also considered these changes from both a patent owner and petitioner perspective, identified do’s and don’ts, and addressed questions related to these changes.
To learn more about this topic and/or webinar, please contact the presenters.
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