Director Salvador M. Bezos will co-present the CLE webinar “Drafting Considerations to Provide Flexibility in Post Grant Proceedings – EP vs. US,” hosted by AIPLA on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. ET.
Webinar Description
Drafting patent applications that survive post grant proceedings at home as well as at the EPO poses a challenge for multiple reasons. One reason is that the law regarding added matter is not uniform. The EPO’s approach is very strict in comparison to other jurisdictions and therefore requires a different approach than the “classic” combination of specific embodiments and broad claims. This webinar will address recent developments and will shine a light on the possible challenges and pitfalls. Learn best practices and drafting considerations that not only put you in a better position during prosecution but ultimately result in stronger claims that survive post-grant proceedings at home and abroad.

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