Director Tracy-Gene G. Durkin will be a panelist at the 2019 INTA Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts on Saturday, May 18, 2019. Tracy will be speaking on the panel, “Comparative Design Remedies.”
Panel Overview:
The laws of a jurisdiction providing remedies for design patent infringement determine the strength of its design patent system as a whole. Strong remedies for design patent infringement act as a deterrent against those who might look to copy designs; while weak remedies encourage knockoffs. This session will address the remedial laws once infringement has been determined including monetary remedies (including traditional damages, lost profits, statutory damages, and infringer’s profits) as well as injunctive relief. The session will also address types of design enforcements including whether jurisdictions have customs enforcement provisions and their effectiveness. Speakers will also provide design patent enforcement advice from a global nature as infringements are rarely limited to a single country.