Chief Human Resources Officer Suzanne R. Hawes, Ph.D., was quoted in the article “What Gen Z Wants in the Workplace,” published by The Washington Post as part of its special 2023 “Top Workplaces” magazine.
Following is an excerpt from the article:
“Recruiters also described a new need to be direct about a company’s values and even politics — not just in the workplace generally but starting at the interview stage. ‘[Younger job-interview subjects] will ask about what kind of initiatives the firm is doing to increase representation and inclusion,’ said Hawes, of Sterne Kessler. All the companies interviewed for this story insisted that diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as environmental sustainability, had been priorities before Gen Z started demanding them. But it’s clear that at least when it comes to selling their values, companies are held to a higher standard now than ever before.
‘I just feel like this generation is going to make huge strides for the workplace,’ Hawes added. ‘They’re not afraid to ask for what they need and want. … They’re pushing for impressive changes, things that, as a Gen Xer, I didn’t think were possible. So I’m absolutely here for it, as they would say.'”
Sterne Kessler is also featured in the special edition magazine article “The Super Eight: These Companies Have Been a Top Workplace Every Year Since 2013,” which can be viewed here. Access the complete digital magazine here and read more about Sterne Kessler’s recognition as a “Top Workplace” for the tenth consecutive year here.
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