Docket Navigator recently published its annual “Year In Review” for 2014, which collects data from PACER, USPTO databases, EDIS, and other government sources to examine the patent litigation environment – trends, key players, patent reforms, etc. – for the year.
In this year’s report, Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox was named the second top law firm in the PTAB, based on the number of 2014 Inter Partes Reviews and Covered Business Method Review proceedings in which the firm represented one of the litigants (Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox had 150 proceedings).
In addition, Michael D. Specht, Michael B. Ray, David K.S. Cornwell, Eldora L. Ellison, Ph.D., Rob Greene Sterne, Jon E. Wright, and Deborah Sterling, Ph.D. were featured in the rankings for the top attorneys in the PTAB. The rankings were based off of the number of Inter Partes Review and Covered Business Method Review proceedings in 2014 in which the attorney represented one of the litigants.
Read the full report here at Docket Navigator’s website.