Jonathan M. Strang, a director in the firm’s litigation group , is quoted in Law360’s article, “4 Favorites For PTAB’s Top Post,” that discusses the vacancy of the chief patent judge position at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) and the potential candidates up for consideration to fill the position.
Strang, who has significant experience before the PTAB, commented on the qualities the next chief patent judge should possess prior to upholding the position. “To ensure that the board’s decisions are fair, timely and consistent, the next chief judge should have a proper grounding in evidentiary and procedural rules, with experience in both district court litigation and patent office proceedings, and not just from the office’s perspective,” said Strang. “The chief judge will also need the requisite administrative skills and temperament to ‘keep the trains running on time’ and enforce consistency across the office’s very wide bench.”
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