Director Joseph E. Mutschelknaus will speak on the “Artificial Intelligence is Becoming Ubiquitous: Impacts & Issues” panel at the Wharton Club of DC’s 8th Annual Wharton DC Innovation Summit, hosted in Washington DC on Thursday, July 28, 2022.
Panel Overview
Artificial Intelligence is starting to have a profound and almost ubiquitous impact on our economy and society. It is disrupting, transforming, and improving industries ranging from advertising to healthcare, cybersecurity, financial services, manufacturing, and transportation. AI applications include advanced web search engines such as Google, speech recognition, recommendation systems, automated decision making, predictive analytics, autonomous vehicles as well as robotics and are transforming functions and processes such as customer service, supply chain management, financial operations, and risk and compliance management. This panel will examine some of the latest developments in AI applications and how they are impacting industries such as healthcare, autonomous vehicle, and robotics, while also discussing the opportunities and challenges that enterprises and entrepreneurs face in developing AI applications. It will also attempt to predict some of the disruptive and transformative impacts that AI could have on business, the economy and society in the future.