Director Nirav N. Desai was a presenter at the 2018 ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Spring Conference in Washington, D.C. Nirav’s session “Using ADR to Resolve Intellectual Property Disputes” discussed how Intellectual Property (IP) has gone through dramatic changes in recent years as to standards of protection eligibility, proofs, administrative agency cancellation of granted rights, the Defend Trade Secrets Act, and remedies all leading to increased uncertainties of outcome, high stakes and certainty of costs and delays. ADR (mediation, arbitration, case assessments) with an independent experienced single neutral or panel can yield quicker resolution at lower cost as well as greater confidentiality. Nirav and the co-presenters explored how to reach a resolution effectively between the parties and for multiple countries and multiple issues transcending national boundaries and limits of courts’ jurisdiction and tailored to parties’ needs.

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